For years we have been promoting Nicaragua as a retirement haven. We even published two editions of a guidebook about the country. However, the political volatility and recent deadly protests and incarcerations have caused us to do an about-face. Granted Nicaragua is more affordable than Costa Rica, but the quality of life and choices of places to live in the latter simply cannot be topped. Furthermore, the demand for relocation/retirement tours to Costa Rica has increased dramatically as more and more people realize the sad state of affairs in Nicaragua and the unparalleled lifestyle in Costa Rica. Few know that Nicaragua is the second poorest country in the Americas after Haiti.
For almost 20 years I have conducted award-winning retirement/relocation tours to Costa Rica and personally have helped 1000s of people successfully relocate there. I have been considered by many to be "the expert and pioneer" on the subject of retirement tours in Central America for the last 35 years.

Christopher Howard

But, for those who also want to check out Costa Rica, the region's number one retirement spot, click on the banner below: